Current information about the lessons.


If you learn a lot, you also need rest.




Mon – Thu: 6:45 am – 12:45 pm
Friday: 6:45 am – 11:00 am

Phone: 03677 877407

Address & location

Regelschule Heinrich Hertz
Ziolkowskistraße 27, 98693 Ilmenau

School social work

for students & parents
Mrs Melanie Rook

UNESCO Associated Schools Network

Unesco associated school

UNESCO Associated Schools are schools that are members of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network, which was launched in 1953 to involve individual educational institutions directly in the work of UNESCO.

UNESCO Associated Schools initiate partnership projects and international project days with schools from other countries. They organise seminars, conferences and exchange programmes.

UNESCO Associated Schools organise school life in the spirit of intercultural learning. They are committed to education that enables people to develop their individual personality and lead a fulfilled life. The goal: learning to live together in a pluralistic, culturally diverse and sustainable world.

Year 5/6 students visit the UNESCO biosphere reserve ‘Viszeral’ near Schmiedefeld, where they experience the importance of an intact environment and learn how they themselves can contribute to it.

In order to familiarise ourselves with the different cultures of our migrants, for example, project days were held in 2016 on the topic of ‘Heartfelt diversity’. The pupils presented the cultural characteristics and culinary specialities of their home countries.

Our school social pedagogue works with a group of pupils on the topic of children’s rights and the rights of women and girls worldwide with great commitment. A group of children therefore became acquainted with the films ‘Malala – Your Right to Education’ and, on the occasion of the ‘Goldener Spatz’ children’s film festival, with the film ‘Children of Light’. In Year 5 ethics and German lessons, the pupils learn about the films ‘On the way to school’ and ‘199 little heroes’. Through the school social pedagogue, there is also contact with a children’s rights activist in Pakistan.

The students organise fundraising campaigns, e.g. for the children’s hospice in Tambach-Dietharz, which received a donation of €600.00 in 2017.

As part of the Thuringian UNESCO project schools’ project day in 2017, some pupils worked together in a project group with the support of the Thuringian State Media Centre to produce a radio play entitled “A Littered Adventure”. In it, the pupils take a critical look at global environmental pollution. The radio play was honoured with a prize in the RABATZ radio play competition. Another group of pupils produced a film on the subject of ‘100 years of women’s suffrage’.

The school has a new travelling day concept that enables pupils to get to know some UNESCO World Heritage sites in Thuringia. Grades 5/6 visit the ‘Viszeral’ biosphere reserve, grades 7/8 the Wartburg in Eisenach and grades 9/10 the World Heritage Sites in Weimar. Pupils also took part in joint project days organised by the Thuringian UNESCO project schools on ‘Jewish Life in Erfurt’ and the project day in the ‘Nebra Ark’ with the Sky Disc in Nebra.

The school cooperates with a care home for the elderly in the town of Ilmenau.

Other interesting activities with a UNESCO character are being planned in order to keep the co-operation in the network active and varied.










Get to know the Heinrich Hertz Regelschule!

Respectful, tolerant behaviour regardless of origin, nationality and faith forms the basis for our strong school community.


Impressions of the
Heinrich Hertzt regular school.


Our food offer realised
Menu Express Griesheim.


For storing school supplies.
Realisation by astradirekt.

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Hausflur der Regelschule Heinrich Hertz © Ilmenau kreativ erleben
Bibliothek und Mediathek in der Regelschule Hertz in Ilmenau
Schließfächer der Regelschule Heinrich Hertz © Ilmenau kreativ erleben
Freizeitraum der Regelschule Heinrich Hertz © Ilmenau kreativ erleben
Schulgebäude der Regelschule Heinrich Hertz © Ilmenau kreativ erleben


Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was a German physicist. In 1886, he was the first person to generate and demonstrate electromagnetic waves in an experiment and is therefore regarded as their discoverer. The international unit for frequency was named Hertz in his honour.

School social work

for pupils and parents

School social work supports pupils in the development of their personality, aims to compensate for social disadvantages and promote integration. School social work particularly supports individually and structurally disadvantaged children and young people. The school social worker assumes an independent, mediating position between school, parents and pupils and supports the co-operation between family, school and external help. For the school social worker, the development of social skills, social integration, the promotion of personality and critical faculties as well as the development of career prospects are the main focus

The school social worker’s programmes are primarily geared towards the interests of the pupils. At the beginning of each school year, pupils and parents are asked by the school social worker what programmes they would like to see at school. This ranges from simple club requests to information events for parents (e.g. on the subject of internet safety and data protection).

There is also the opportunity to realise important topics in a project throughout the school year (e.g. drug prevention, sexual prevention, etc.). Pupils, teachers and parents can contact the school social worker.

All programmes are always open and voluntary for the people involved.

For pupils

  •  Counselling for problems
  • Homework help and support with learning
  • Job application training
  • Participation in working groups
  • Holiday games at the ‘Oase’ youth contact centre
  • Projects on interesting topics such as bullying, computer games, drugs, debt, etc.

For parents

  • Counselling services for parents (strengthening parenting skills)
  • Support with problems and crises, referral to further help (intra-family conflicts that affect the school)
  • Thematic parents’ evenings on various topics that are requested (e.g. parenting, puberty, drugs and addiction, television, computer games, healthy eating, debt, etc.)
  • Prevention with regard to drugs, eating behaviour, sex education and career opportunities for your child

Holidays &
free days


Winter 12.02.2024 – 16.02.2024
25.03.2024 – 06.04.2024
20.06.2024 – 31.07.2024
Autumn 30.09.2024 – 12.10.2024
School-free 01.11.2024
Christmas 23.12.2024 – 03.01.2025


Winter 03.02.2025 – 08.02.2025
Easter 07.04.2025 – 19.04.2025
School-free 02.05.2025
Whitsun 30.05.2025
Summer 28.06.2025 – 08.08.2025
Autumn 06.10.2025 – 18.10.2025
Christmas 22.12.2025 – 03.01.2026